⚡️Electric Culture of Safety⚡️
⚡️ECOS ⚡️
Received another endorsement!

Incident Prevention Institute, joined up with our Nationwide Safety Coalition Line Team!
Thank you iP Institute!

Together we will change our Safety Culture for our Heroes of Light. Share and spread the word

ECOS’s Linemen Safety National Webinar episodes 001-005 are now available upon request:
001: Linemen Safety and Tool Training w Brent Jeffries Field Ops & Safety Trainer at Bierer Meters.
002: Electric System Grounding w/ Danny Raines CUSP at Raines Safety.
003: My Shocking Awakening w/ Lito Wilkins CUSP, Senior Safety Director at International Line Builders.
004: Flip the Safety Dynamic w/ William Martin CUSP, RN at Northline Utilities.

Available next week:
005: The Passion Behind the Idea w/ Caleb Thompson CUSP & Brady Hansen CUSP at Written in Red and Timpson Training Systems.

Climb up to:
“Electric Culture of Safety” & “Linemen Safety and Tool Training” groups on Facebook and LinkedIn

Register to ECOS by texting BIERER to 22828 (only company emails accepted), to receive all ECOS Announcements, monthly LSNW live line links and their Recordings.

Be ready for LSNW 006: The 8 Habits of a Safety Culture w/ Rod Courtney CUSP HS&E Safety Manager at Ampirical, July 12th 9:00am est.
Contact Brent at SafetyTraining@BiererMeters.com with questions.