JULY 12th 9 AM EST
ECOS’s LINEMEN SAFETY NATIONAL WEBINAR 006: The 8 Habits of a Highly Effective Safety Culture
w/ Rod Courtney CUSP, CHST, WCLS, HS&E Manager at Ampirical.
All registered ECOS members have been sent the ZOOM Link.
If any questions contact Brent at SafetyTraining@BiererMeters.com, to receive live line LSNW links, and past episode recordings, 001-004 now available.
005 any day.
Accommodations for up to 40 guests, at our Live Line Training Center in SC, is now available to all LSNW’s, contact Brent, for availability.
To register to ECOS, type BIERER to 22828, only company emails accepted.
All ECOS members receive Announcements, monthly live line links to our Linemen Safety National Webinars, and all LSNW Recordings.
Join us on LinkedIn and Facebook groups at Electric Culture of Safety & Linemen Safety and Tool Training
with our NationWide Safety Coalition, and assist in sharing Safety with our Heroes of Light.